Greetings once again. The site has been somewhat abandoned for the majority of 2010, which is a shame. Basically I got sidetracked by Stadtheim for a few months, then some kind soul showed be Oblivion, which led to Fallout 3 and suddenly it’s christmas. How’d that happen?
Good news is the 40k production line is fully functional once more, and I’m hoping to document some of the projects.
I’ve decided to give up on the site as a standalone item, it’s just too much messing about to get things working like I want. So I’m going to leave the projects there for now as an archive, but then run everything else through the blog, The two are linked, in that the site scrapes the blog anyway, but I’m going to add in a few little features to the blog that won’t get pulled through.
Eventually I plan to put an archive of projects somewhere in the blog, then pull the site and put up a redirect. For now, view it however you choose 🙂
Still working on the design, comments page seems a little screwy, but other than that I think it looks ok.
I’ll be back with the first proper update later. I have several praetorian tanks to show off, including would you believe, completed builds I had previously started. I know, me completing something. Scary.