Edit: Woo, I'm famous. Well not quite, but I they did post my photo of the valkyrie interor on BoLS. Which frankly is far better than being famous, right?
So after a long bloody time in this hobby I finally made it to Warhammer World today. Really enjoyed my visit, spent just over an hour wandering around, had a coffee in Bugman's. Had the miniatures hall all to myself (literally, the automatic lights had to turn on for me).
I took a fair few photos, which you can see by clicking on the valkyrie below:
If any of the pics on the gallery don't work could you please just post a comment, I'm not sure I've entirely finished writing the script yet 🙂
The store at Warhammer World is great too. Very different atmosphere to my local store. I have to be honest, I don't like Games Workshop stores. I find them to be quite oppressive and usually filled with obnoxious people. Hence I stay out and order everything off the net (the advantages of not being a gamer). But I really liked this one. The bloke I spoke to was informative and not a complete ott loon like a lot (you know who you are..).
Oh and the best bit, you can order forgeworld goodies in the shop and you get free shipping. How awesome is that? I want a thudd gun for my griffon conversion I'm planning, but didn't want to pay 20% ish of the price in shipping. Excellent stuff.
I'll go again when they've got one of thier special displays on. Starting tomorrow is the war of the ring exhibition, which I think would explain why there were quite a few armies missing from the museum.
Oh and the siege of vraks table is great. I got a few pics of the vehicles on it. If I gamed, I'd love to play on that terrain. The next table across had a massive ruined monstery type building which was a bit special too.
Wouldn't fancy it on a weekend though. I'd suspect it can turn into a bit of a bear (cub) pit.