All done!

Right, got these buggers painted, based, and all finished over christmas. Huzzah.

As I've mentioned many times, I can't paint. I try, but I just end up getting frustrated that I can get nowhere near where I want to be. So I just try to make them look presentable and call them done, and as such I'm quite happy with these guys.

The bases are resin ones I got from ebay. They came as a pack of ten, and in a bout of sheer insanity I've painted all ten, ready for the next lot. Strewth.

Don't think you can see it properly but the one bit I'm happy with is the mesh on the bases. It was just simple black, then flat aluminium drybrush, then blue ink, then light drybrush with silver. Gives a strange sort of metallic blue finish that I'll use across the whole range to be consistent.

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