Just realised I hadn’t posted the watch house for a while, that’s taken a nice jump forward.
The woodwork is all on, as are the plastic/resin accessories. The windows are all from a mordheim bits buy on ebay. The doors are Antenociti’s ones of course.
The sand is chinchilla bathing sand, as recommended by the nice people over at Terragensis. Much nicer finish than normal sharp sand. I’m not sure how well it’s stuck though, think it may need more glue than normal sand. I’ve stippled on some paint onto one side (so as not to sweep it all off) and will see how well it’s stuck once dry.
Particularly happy with this one, and it looks pretty cool sat on top of the stone ground floor too. It’s next on my list for painting after the church, which has now begun.
Oh and hallo to anyone coming from BoLS, I’m now in the blog alliance which has done wonders for my hit count. Please do feel free to comment, otherwise I just end up talking to myself and from there it’s a slippery slope to going shopping wearing slippers and calling everyone m’lud…