The watch house now has a board sorted out. It’s going to be very simple, no other buildings on it. Just a very small square outside the watch house yard itself.
Started building the floor of the yard using the new terrascenic cobbles mould. The mould itself isn’t bad, because it’s so much more shallow than the hirst arts moulds it does tend to warp a little in the middle of the large pieces, giving each big cobble brick a slight hump back. For this set it doesn’t matter, since the cobbles are uneven anyway, but if I was casting smooth blocks it would be a tad annoying. Could just be my cheap plaster of course.
Before bed I plan to have a go at the doors for the watch tower. Other things are drying so I can’t really do much more on the yard itself. I need to go set the cobbles casting again though. Did that the other night and completely forgot to go scrape the mould. Hah, now I’ve got two sets of pieces that need several mm of overflow scraping off before use. Still, live n learn. I hope.