The Joker

I’ve completed another HeroClix repaint, this time the Joker. Really like the model, just weird and goofy. If we’re being honest, the dimensions aren’t great, the sculpting isn’t great, but it has so much character.

Click to zoom Click to zoom

Batman and Robin are both nearly complete, and I’m well on the way with Manbat. Not sure who’s next for the treatment, we’ll see.

In other news I’ve been watching a lot of HeroClix YouTube vids (big shout out to The Alpha Strike, I really like their stuff and they make it very easy to understand). Played a couple of solo games, just trying to get to grips with the rules. I’m loving the layers added by the power interactions, something you don’t get in a lot of games like 40k (granted I haven’t played for years). Feels more like MTG in that respect.