A while back we started playing Malifaux in the office at lunch times, and needed some easily portable scenery that could be collapsed after each game. In the end I came up with a black and white town that fits inside a single A4 box file.
The first building had a tab and slot system, shown below, that means every single wall was a separate piece. This took forever to chop out, so in the end I replaced them with duct tape. Because you know, if you can’t fix it with duct tape..
The base and roof are separate pieces, each with a square of black 5mm foam board attached. So long as everything is cut nice and snug the walls open out, and everything slots into place.
The texture of the buildings was super simple monochome art done with my unipin fine liners. As you can see above, I just did a hint at the brickwork rather than trying to fill everything in.
After that it was just a case of coming up with a few designs. There’s the large apartment block, the general store, a small house with an offset roof, and a large house with a hip roof.
In action, no doubt with me losing yet another game of Malifaux. But really happy with the black and white town for what it is; cheap (practically free in fact), easy to make, supremely portable and storable, and gave us what we needed.
Take away from this project: function scenery doesn’t have to take months to make!