First Game

I’ve tried a couple of solo games to learn the rules, and we had a bit of an aborted attempt previously, but today we started our first real game of HeroClix. Simple 300pt battle being fought out in the Mines of Moria (well they call it a mine), My Uncanny X-Men Fast Force are facing off against Joe’s Gamora, Huntress, Ezio and Vanguard. Because why not..

Click to zoom

We ran out of time (learning the rules and the powers takes up a lot of the time it turns out), but we’ll continue it to resolution tomorrow I reckon. So far Gamora got swamped by Angel, Beast and X-23, then Cyclops was bumped off by Vanguard, in part thanks to Ezio’s smoke grenade. X-Men have all taken a bit of a beating, but I reckon I can still take it.

So far so good. Lots of tactics involved in it. We play a lot of games, bits of this feel almost Descent like, but with added, erm, fun. We also play a lot of X-Wing and there’s a certain element of the manoeuvring tactics in this as well. Interesting stuff!