
Right, did quite a bit of work on this last night, just took some new photos. The base of the body is now done, and the spine structure type thing is sorted, meaning I've got something to hold together all the levels, and finally attach the head to.

Started detailing the left foot too, since I don't want to fasten them in place until they're detailed, and I can't attach the second level of the body until the legs are pinned and glued.

Also cut out a large base. Going to use wire to strengthen the glue join, in the photos it's standing just on the wire and supports fine.

Finally I've also started work on the grot bombs for the repeater. I was going to buy the forgeworld ones, but at 7.50 each I thought I'd at least try and make my own first to see how it works out. If you can guess what the nose cone is you can have a cookie! Took me about twenty minutes just wandering around the local store to find that. If it works out I'll do a little tute. Otherwise I'll go to forgeworld!

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