Landing Gear

Got another hour or so to work on this, and I'm really happy with the progress I've made.

The landing gear is now almost done. A couple of oldschool autocannons, a splash of plasticard, and tada. The feet are fastened in place on the legs, however the legs will rotate back together through 90degrees. This puts the landing gear out of the way for flight, and gives the kopta something of a frog-like silhouette. So I'm thinking that's where it's name will be taken from (grot hoppa perhaps?).

Search light is done, it's just a chopped up slugga and an old style IG search light. Think it works nicely.

IG flamer backpack attached under the engine, some sort of coolant or boost I would envisage. My grots are very smart meks but don't always tell me what the new bits are for. I try not to pry.

Rokkit on the other side is new too. Just a HK missile chopped down a bit. I'd like to have a go at painting a big grin on it when I get that far, but my free hand is appalling so we shall see.

The rotors have now been started properly. I dismantled the old version, chopped a gap out of the middle and assembled what you now see. It's a new SM searchlight back, filed down and attached to some tubing. Makes quite a nice housing. I want to add some small rod pieces to act as controls for the tilting of the blades (sure they have a hugely technical name I don't know). A few bits of tube on the upright have helped detail that too.

I've also started the pilot, but no pics yet. I'll try and get him greenstuffed this week, filling the gaps I had to hack in a pair of wolf-rider legs to make him fit, and adding the ubiquitous goggles.

After that's it just needs a roll cage bar thing and I think it might be done.

Really enjoying this, tis good fun working on finite projects rather than big beasts with no end in sight.

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