The Beginning

Ok so the pose. He looks a little drunk, but I think it'll work once the head is on directed motion. Basically standard bearers always seem to be stood still. Now personally I think that a) if you're holding a bloody great flag you're going to attract a lot of fire and standing still is a bit stupid. And b) surely to keep inspiration up the standard needs to move with the army. So this guy is advancing at speed to keep up with the other brave chaps rushing to their doom. Huzzah!

On the guardsman I removed the eagle from his chest then attempted to sculpt it back (with a modicum of success). It wasn't until afterwards I thought about how bloody stupid this was. So I've left that on with the intent of sculpting around it. I'll still need to do one for the belt buckle but it's all good practice.

The left arm is going to be carrying his rifle, slung over the shoulder. The right arm is a Bretonnian knights lance (I think). I've removed most of the chainmail, the rest will be covered in green stuff. I'll come up with something suitably imperial for the top of the pole, then work out how to do a nice banner. I quite like the big wrist guard thing though (pommell? am I making words up again?), so I'm going to leave that. There's going to be a vague medieval theme running through my praetorians (which has nothing to do with the fact I bought a big box of bretonnian bits from eBay. Nope. Honest).

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