
This is an I-Kore (or is that Urban Mammoth now?) Junker Enforcer. When I saw it on eBay it just screamed Commissar at me, so I bought it (in a blister along with another) for next to nothing.

I decided I wanted to start modelling some of the characters in my stories, so I turned this into Krieve, who appears in my latest story Veritatis Novus Liber. But to be Krieve he really needed a big chainsword.

I thought I'd have a go at scratch building one, a chainsword by definition is a very simple looking weapon. So I got out the plasticard and started chopping. Then I just added the end of one of those scanner things from the space marine sprue at the base, a skull from (I think) a CSM bolter, and some green rivet thing from a military model.

For such a really simple conversion I'm really happy with the overall effect. I need to tidy up the painted lines on the casing of course.

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