
Ok finally decided to go ahead with Luna Wolves. I had lots of changes of heart, but in the end went with the classic (but hopefully not yet cliched). Makes the door symbols easier anyway. I cut the first one from plasticard, then did a quick greenstuff bodge to print the second. Worked ok, but the new one will need a little touching up when I do the rest of the tank.

Doors also need hinges at the bottom. I'll be replicating the original style from this model rather than the new streamlined ones. The "teeth" things are the top are just hacked from sprue. Need a little more filing to even up one side.

Started the engine. You'll notice it's just a rejig of the original engine. I've removed the weedy exhaust piped and put the side vents top and bottom. This then gives me room to fit two big ass exhausts up each side in the modern stylee. Hoping the finished thing will look good, whilst making use of as much of the original. Which is really the point of the entire tank.

Finally I've boshed up a storm bolter on top, which rotates nicely vertically on its mount. Oooo.

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