Planetary Data File

Subject :4th Planet of the Kataan System
Class :delta-landa class (Reclaimed Dead World)
Population :~12,000,000


Determined as the least hostile of the Dead System of Kataan, the 4th planet was reclaimed with a prototypal meteorological acceleration technique.

The plant now hosts the systems entire population, providing residence for the mining operations on Kataan II and V.


population of Kataan IV is comprised mostly of the miners and their
families. A small number of administrative and security forces were
issued upon reclamation of the planet. Now supports 2 Imperial Guard
Companys, one infantry, one armoured.

The civilian
population is concentrated mainly in the ten major cities of the
planet, Katul being the largest and the planetary Capital.

Meteorological Status

terraforming techniques required to reclaim the dead barren world were
so severe that the planet suffers from a somewhat unstable weather
system. Known daily hazards include tremendous sand storms, extreme
temperatures which fall to well below zero after suns-set, and regional
gravitational shifts varying throughout the year.

The last
recorded precipitation on Kataan IV was over three decades ago. The
terraforming cycle took over ten years, ending only five decades
previously. For twenty years after the completion of the cycle the
planet was ravaged by terrible storms, hurricanes, and tornados. At the
end of this time the weather shifted over a period of one month to it’s
current situation.

Geographical Status

are no oceans on Kataan IV. The planet is covered by 60% desert and 40%
jungle. The planetary orbit is such that the Northern Hemisphere is
closer to the larger sun, Alpha, all year round. This has caused it to
stay an arid, desolate desert. The Southern Hemisphere, however
receives the majority of it’s light and heat from the smaller, and
cooler Veyga. This has, combined with the large deposits of water under
the Southern pole, has resulted in a lucious, but deadly, hemisphere
spanning jungle.

The violent contrast of terrain meet in a
strip only 100kms wide in which crops will grow (with sufficient
artificial irrigation), and the weather is relatively moderate. It is
along this belt that 9 of the 10 cities are located. The tenth city,
Peruvia, is set deep in the Southern Hemisphere’s Jungle, positioned to
provide a water supply for the rest of the planet.

Urbanisation Status

on Kataan IV has reach peak profficiency. The limited amounts of
sustainable crops and purifiable water have restricted population
expansion. Families have been restricted from having offspring. Those
who procreate, by choice or otherwise, are summarily exiled from the

The ten cities all fit the STC for planets of this
class. They are surrounded by 20 metre high, 5 metre thick plasteel
walls. Small residential dwellings are built three high around the
inner permiter, whilst the large taller blocks form an inner ring
around the adminstration building.

The administration
building houses not only the security division and administrative
workers, but presently the emergency barracks are overflowing with the
honourary Planetary Defence Force.

Military Status

Kataan IV was assigned security forces at the rate of .02 squads per
capita. However the recent events regarding the Tyranid Hive Fleet [see attached historical account for full details] have meant that 2 Imperial Guard Companies currently reside.

unthreatened, Kataan IV has become the target of repeated assaults by
Orkish raiders. It is believed these greenskins may even have had the
audacity to establish a beachhead in the Northern Hemispherical Desert.
These reports are as yet unsubstantiated.

Kataan System Summary

The Kataan System is composed of five planets orbiting on a complex helical path around the twin suns, Alpha and Veyga.

The Planets

All five planets were originally classed delta (Death World), however due to enormous mining potential in the system, the 4th planet was subjected to a five decade reclamation plan.

The 2nd
planet is completely covered in a mildly acidic liquid. The floor of
this planet spanning ocean is riddled with undersea mining operations
to remove the natural flora that is the source of the acidity. The
plants are fitted with a self defence mechanism which sprays a strong
acid into the local vicinity. Over time this has made the entire ocean
toxic to all other forms of life. The plants are gathered to provide a
powerful toxicant and chemical base for the surrounding systems.

The 5th
planets’ orbital path takes it between the twin suns three times each
planetary month. The intense gravitational forces and extreme heat
scours the surface of all matter. The planet is a barren rock,
compressed to 80% of it’s size upon discovery three centuries ago. It
is predicted within another half millennium the planet will
disintegrate from the incredible pressures. However under the
plasteel-like surface valuable ore carrying rocks were discovered,
calling for mining operations. The miners work to a strict schedule,
leaving the planet just days before it’s intrastar movment, and
arriving again 8 days after. Scientists estimate that every year of
mining reduces the planets life by one decade. However this is deemed
inconsequential as the planet is unable to support life.

The Stars

larger star, Alpha, has been classed alpha-phi by The Astronomican, and
as such all warp travel through the system is done so under the
strictest of controls. The huge gravitational effects combat the
formation of warp fields, and as such sublight ships are used to ferry
travellers and product to the depature station currently on a wide
orbit of the system.

The smaller star, Veyga, has been
classed gamma-delta, and is currently thought to be in it’s final
stages of decay. Current estimates, however, predict all product of
worth will be removed from the system long before the sun collapses. It
is also predicted this collapse will cause the Super Nova of Alpha,
which may disturb warp travel in the sector for up to two years. This
is just postulation at present, and cannot be substantiated until
measurements can be made of Veygas final core temperatures.

The Departure Station

Departure Station is a huge wide orbiting space station, designed as a
way point between sublight and warp travel to and from the Kataan

It can simultaneously dock up to twelve Warp
Cruisers, and over one hundred Sublight Frigates. It has a crew
compliment of 1242, approximately half that number being fully trained
by a representative of the Adeptus Mechanicus.

At present it has zero fire power, but if the rumours of an Ork Stronghold on the 4th planet are confirmed, this will be upgraded to carry System Orbitary Batteries.