Got to start writing these project logs at the beginning of projects. The trouble is I don't particularly want to show them until I'm certain they won't be crap. I usually take photos as I go, but with this one I forgot until yesterday. I wouldn't mind, but it's been sat on my shelf for about a year.
The original plan was a rickety looking half track. The trouble was the tracks went quite wrong, so I used lots of armour plating to try and recover the situation. I think they look better, though the tracks could do with a little detailing.
Reached something of an impass regarding the armament. Will visit the forums and see if anyone can offer some advice.
So far the base (the cream coloured parts) is taken from the tank kit. I used the hull and running gear, then got to work with plasticard. I quite like the rear end, reminds me of some strange German ww2 half breed. I think the wooden planks work well too, nice and Grot and harking back to 2nd ed orks, which as always is the point.