More bits!

  • Post category:Project

Another order has just arrived from the terrain store. They do precast hirst arts blocks at a very reasonable rate, this little pile was about 12quid I think. The casts…

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Brewery Base

  • Post category:Brewery

Done a bit more to the brewery base. I appreciate this blog isn't really showing the whole picture, so I'll try and take more explanatory photos. This is the type…

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Church Roof

  • Post category:Church

Hah, sounds like it should be a fundraising event. However the church roof is started, has been for a while. I'm really happy with the whole church, the dimensions are…

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Current Plans

  • Post category:Project

Just a quick run down of the current ideas bubbling around in my head.Town square. This one is next, I've ordered some pre-cast 1inch square floor pieces to save me…

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Church Walls

  • Post category:Church

The church now has the real wall sorted. I'm not 100% happy with the design of the front corner, but I think suitably detailed and painted it should be ok.…

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Watch Tower

  • Post category:Watchhouse

Working on the railings for the top of the watch tower. I think it should look pretty good when done. Ideally want to do diagonal cross pieces as well, but…

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